Gather your ingredients
Place your 5 cups of water in a pot, put a lid on and set to simmer on low heat.
While your waiting on your water to simmer, get a small baking sheet pan and line with paper towel and have your slotted spoon or strainer ready to go along with your salt and pepper.
Place Sauté Pan on stove on medium high. Add your butter and olive oil to pan and simmer until butter melts.
Place your potatoes, peppers, and white onions in the Sauté pan.
Mix. Salt and pepper to taste. Sauté until veggies are fork tender.
Once your veggies are fork tender, add in your mushrooms, green onions and your cooked corned beef and then mix until the meat is warm. Then just simmer on low until ready to plate.
By this time your water in your pot should be simmering. Add in your vinegar. Then stir the vinegar and water together in a round motion to form a whirlpool.
Then slowly place your eggs one at a time in the simmering water. Make sure they are evenly distributed and let them simmer for 4 minutes.
After your 4 minutes, carefully scoop out your eggs and place them on the baking sheet with the paper towel to absorb any excess water. Salt and pepper them.
Now it is time to plate. Start by plating your hash on the plate.
Then place your eggs on top of the hash. This is important so when you cut into the egg. The yolk oozes all over the hash. If your mouth isn’t water at this point. This is not for you!!
Remember this is breakfast add some juice, fresh fruit and toast! ENJOY!!