Gather your Ingredients
Preheat oven to 425 F
Place parchment on baking sheet
Place bacon on parchment & season with brown sugar then sprinkle cayenne on top.
Put into oven until bacon cooks & caramelizes. About 20 minutes. Once done you can store in refrigerator until you are ready to make the recipe. (please hide!!! It will disappear!)
While bacon is in oven, You can start to carve your rotisserie chicken in slices or chunks carefully removing all bones. You can put this in a container and store in refrigerator until ready to make the wrap.
Have lettuce, tomato, swiss cheese ready on a plate.
Place spinach tortillas on a flat surface (I use parchment so I can wrap & go)
Smear 2 tablespoons of Cesar dressing all over tortilla
Place romaine lettuce on top of dressing
Place tomato slices on top of lettuce & season with salt & pepper.
Place 2 cheese slices on top of your tomatoes
Place 3 bacon slices on top of the cheese.
Lastly, place you chicken on top of bacon
Now lets wrap!. Tuck your edges & Roll as you go away from you.
Wrap in parchment or saran wrap if your going to store it. If you going to eat it, then enjoy!