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Breakfast Mofongo with Steak and Eggs

This recipe was created because of a “what do I have in my refrigerator to feed all of these guys that showed up on my front door” moment. It turned out that sometimes the things you can't possibly plan for turn out to be a favorite for the mass. I had green plantains, garlic, bacon, eggs, and i made a mofongo which is fried plantain mashed with garlic seasonings and pork rind, but I instead used bacon and added jalapeno and diced the plantain making it more of a hash/ mash i then added a breakfast steak with a spicy kick and some eggs to place on top of the mofongo. A star was born my friends if you could only imagine how news of this spread and what has brought to many a question: what is the recipe? How do I make it?...well here it is and please share because we here at The Pink Papaya Love a good recipe. Enjoy!
Servings 2


  • Breakfast Mofongo with Steak and Eggs
  • 10 strips of bacon chopped
  • ½ Red onion diced
  • 6 Garlic cloves diced
  • 1 Jalapeno seeded and diced
  • 4 Green Plantains peeled and cubed
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 Tablespoons White vinegar.
  • 2 Porterhouse steaks 1 inch thick
  • 3 Tablespoons of McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning. (2 tbsps. for steak and 1 for bacon and plantain seasoning)
  • 1 Tablespoon Garlic Salt for bacon and plantain seasoning.
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 Tablespoons Cholula.
  • Garnish with Green onions.

Spicy Mayo - Mix the below ingredients together for Spicy Mayo

  • 3 tablespoons Mayo
  • 1 tablespoon Cholula


  • Gather you ingredients
  • Get a large skillet and place it on your Stove on high.
  • Place your bacon and plantains in the hot pan. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil
  • Season with your tablespoon of Garlic Salt and a tablespoon of McCormick Seasoning
  • Now add in your onions, jalapenos, and garlic.
  • Mix and let cook, until bacon and plantains are crispy.
  • Once Crispy. Place everything in large bowl. Leave the skillet on stove. Will need it for the steaks!
  • Smash your bacon, plantains, jalapenos, onions and garlic all together.
  • Now place a 2 ½ quart pot and fill with 5 cups of water on medium heat, cover.
  • While waiting for the water to simmer. Get a sheet pan ready with a parchment paper
  • Season your steak with Olive oil and the McCormick seasoning.
  • Now place them in the same pan you had your bacon and plantains. Cook until your desired doneness.
  • When done, place on a sheet pan.
  • In the same pan melt your butter and Cholula.
  • Mix until blended.
  • Now place your steak back in the pan and dip into the sauce, flip and cover both sides of the steak.
  • Once both sides are covered, Place them on cutting board or plate. Set aside and let rest for 8 minutes!
  • By now your water should be simmering, Stir in your vinegar and place your eggs in. They should cook for 4 minutes.
  • Remove with a slotted spoon and let sit on a paper towel lined sheet pan.
  • Season with salt and pepper. Let’s plate!
  • Place your plate and place your steak first, drizzle any sauce in the pan on top.
  • Now place 2 large mounds of your breakfast mofongo next to your steak.
  • Place your two poached eggs on top.
  • Drizzle with spicy mayo and garnish with green onions Enjoy!